NOTE: Beginning August 2018, the newest updates will appear at the beginning of the list.
Sometimes catalogue numbers and publishers change, especially when a piece by a self-published composer is picked up by a publishing house once the piece is selected for the Festivals Bulletin. A selected piece may be in a different collection or a single sheet. If it is EXACTLY the same music as listed in the Bulletin, the other edition is acceptable.
The updates are listed in Bulletin order, and all corrections for an event will be listed together. Newest updates are highlighted in yellow.
Clarification: A rule was inadvertently omitted from Section 3: Juniors may progress or repeat a class one time regardless of the rating received in other events. A different required and choice piece must be used. Refer to Rule 3.a for events that must progress with a Superior rating.
Clarification for p. 6, #4: In Fiddling, Ukulele, or Guitar Events where accompaniments are indicated only by chord symbols, pieces may be accompanied on piano, guitar, or other instrument where the chords can be fully realized.
Some editions of fiddle tunes for beginning players have omitted the chord symbols in the score. This is to reduce visual clutter and to assist the focus of beginning fiddlers. It is the accepted and expected practice to utilize accompaniments for fiddle tunes in all classes. Therefore, accompaniment should be played for entrants in Fiddle Events, even if there are no chord symbols in the original score. The added designated chords must appear in the jmude’s copy. Editions of beginning music for Ukulele or Guitar which do not have chord symbols may also add chord symbols for accompaniment.
Any piece that has the publisher code of SMP should be adjusted to SMPR.
Any piece that has the publisher code of PTP should be adjusted to MAN.
Correction: Captain Kidd is by John Thompson, not William Gillock.
Clarification: The correct title for the collection for Little Flower Girl of Paris is ACCENT ON SOLOS – COMPLETE. This piece is also available in a previous publication, ACCENT ON SOLOS, LVL 2.
Correction – Add: Wistful Waltz (Mary Leaf) and Sunny Yellow (Mona Rejino). These pieces are incorrectly listed in Elementary II.
Clarification: March Song (Diane Hidy) is also available at
Correction – Delete: Wistful Waltz (Mary Leaf) and Sunny Yellow (Mona Rejino). These pieces belong in Elementary I.
Correction: The correct item number for Hayride Hoedown (Austin) is HL00416894. This piece was mistakenly listed under the Medium heading last time. This piece is Elementary II.
Clarification: Mississippi Steamboat Stomp (Roubos) is part of the A Day on the River Suite.
Clarification: November Song (Diane Hidy) is also available at
Correction: Candlelight Prelude is by Carol Klose not Fred Kern.
Corrections: The correct collection title for Canyons and Waterfalls is MELODY’S FAVORITES, BK 4.
Correction: The correct collection title for Moonlight Fantasy is MELODY’S CHOICE, BK 4.
Remove leading “0” from the item number for BAGATELLES, OP. 5.
Correction: The listed edition for Barcarolle (Beach) is an abridgement; it may not be used. Instead, use ANTHOLOGY OF AMERICAN PIANO MUSIC, 34655 ALF.
Remove the leading “0” from the item number for FANTASY PIECES, OP. 3.
Correction: The correct title for the Rachmaninoff Preludes is: 13 Preludes, Op. 32.
Correction: The item number for GARGOYLES is 410-41289.
Correction: The item number for CONCERTO NO. 1 IN C MAJOR, OP. 15 is 50255770.
Correction: The item number for CONCERTO NO. 3 IN C MINOR, OP 37 is 50255790.
Correction: The item number for CONCERTO NO. 4 IN C MINOR (Saint-Saens) is HL50259010.
Correction: CONCERTO IN A MINOR, OP. 52 (Schumann) is available from Alfred. The item number is correct.
Correction: CONCERTO IN F# MINOR (Scriabin) is available from Alfred. The item number is correct.
Correction: CONCERTO NO. 4 IN D MINOR (Rubenstein) is available from Alfred. The item number is correct.
Clarification: Remove the leading “0” in the item number for 5-Finger Fun.
Correction: Rowlf’s Blues should be in Level A, not in Level B.
Correction: The correct collection for Italian Street Singer is LFO CLASSIC PIANO REPERTOIRE, INTERMEDIATE. The correct item # is: HL00294720.
Addition: Sonatina Americana is also available as sheet music, item # PL3283.
Clarification: Page 47 and page 48 are identical except for one piece. Use page 48.
Clarification: Blues Concerto (Rocherolle) has been reclassified from the previous Bulletin, where it was in Junior III.
Any pieces by Pam Williams Turner are now available at and
Addition: Prelude on ENGLEBERG, James L. King, Alijam Music,
All classes: A compilation of all hymns in previous Bulletins from Classes I-V can be obtained by emailing This list can be used as a reference for selecting choice pieces.
Rules clarification: Rules were inadvertently omitted. Rule #11: In Classes I-1V, entrants may remain in each class for two (2) years, regardless of rating received, with different selections the second year. In Class V, entrants may remain in this class indefinitely, regardless of rating received, with different selections each year.
Addition: Chanukah (Carol Matz), FAMOUS & FUN JEWISH SONGS BK 1, 44759 ALF.
Addition: My Dreidel (Carol Matz, FAMOUS & FUN JEWISH SONGS BK 1, 44759 ALF.
Correction: The correct collection for There is None Like You is PLAY PRAISE: MOST REQUESTED, BK 1, 23253 (ALF).
Correction: The correct item number for FAMOUS & FUN JEWISH SONGS, BK 2, is 44760.
Correction: The correct title is Give Me Oil in My Lamp.
Addition: Ani Purim (Carol Matz), FAMOUS & FUN JEWISH SONGS BK 2, 44760 ALF.
Addition: Tum-Balalaika (Carol Matz), FAMOUS & FUN JEWISH SONGS BK 2, 44760 ALF.
Any pieces by Pam Williams Turner are now available at and
Helen Marlais was inadvertently listed as the composer for all the pieces from IN RECITAL WITH CHRISTMAS FAVORITES, BK 2. Refer to the collection for the correct composer.
Correction: The correct item number for A YOUNG PIANIST’S FIRST HYMNAL is 00404291.
Addition: Purim Day (Wesley Schaum), SHORT & SWEET: JEWISH LVL 1, HL 00645136
Addition: Zum Gali Gali(Wesley Schaum), SHORT & SWEET: JEWISH LVL 1, HL 00645136 SCHA
Clarification: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna is on p. 13.
Addition: Chanukah (Carol Matz), FAMOUS & FUN JEWISH SONGS BK 3, 44761 ALF.
Addition: My Dreidel Carol Matz), FAMOUS & FUN JEWISH SONGS BK 3, 44761 ALF.
Correction: It Is Well With My Soul is on p. 52
Correction: You Are My All in All is on p. 27.
Addition: Hatikva (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL AND FOLK SONGS BK 2, FJH1734
Addition: Hava Nagila (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL AND FOLK SONGS BK 2, FJH1734
Clarification: Great is the Lord (Tornquist) is also in TOP 50 PRAISE & WORSHIP, 39442 ALF.
Correction: Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus is on p. 4.
Addition: Rock of Ages (Renee & David Karp) JEWISH FESTIVAL AND FOLK SONGS BK 3, FJH 2022
Correction: The correct item number for JEWISH FESTIVAL & FOLK SONGS, BK 4, is FJH2210.
Correction: The correct title is A Mighty Fortress is Our God.
Addition: Havenu Shalom Aleychem (Wesley Schaum), JEWISH FOLK AND HOLIDAY SONGS EASY, HL00645919 SCHA
They key for KING’S WESTON was inadvertently omitted. The key for this hymn is D minor.
Addition: Chad Gadya (John W. Schaum), JEWISH FOLK & HOLIDAY SONGS, HL00645918
Addition: Lama Suka Zu (John W. Schaum), JEWISH FOLK & HOLIDAY SONGS, HL00645918
Addition: How Many Candles (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL AND FOLK SONGS BK 4, FJH2210
Addition: Ose Shalom (Prayer for Peace), (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL AND FOLK SONGS BK 4, FJH2210
Delete: Great is the Lord (Tornquist). This piece is correctly listed in Primary E.
Clarification: The key for LOVE OF GOD was inadvertently omitted. The key for this hymn is D major.
Correction: Avina should read Avinu Malkeinu.
Addition: Ani Purim (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL & FOLK SONGS BK 4, FJH2210
Addition: Eiliyahu Hanavi (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL & FOLK SONGS BK 4, FJH2210
Addition: Hatikva (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL & FOLK SONGS BK 4, FJH2210
Addition: Jerusalem of Gold (Renee & David Karp), JEWISH FESTIVAL & FOLK SONGS BK4, FJH2210
Clarification: Moroccan Breeze (Costello) and My Irish Butterfly (Leaf) are also available in a collection, DUETS AT THEIR BEST BK 2, FJH2257 (FJH).
Correction: The item number for A World of Peace (Ferreira) is MSAF02-72.
Addition: The Cat and the Mouse, George Anson, HL00404491(WMC). This is incorrectly listed in the Piano Quartet Event.
The correct item number for We Gather Together is 0475.
Delete Chinatown Dragons and Mischievous (Peskanov). They are properly listed in Difficult II.
The correct arranger for The Queen of Sheba and Sheep May Safely Graze is Dr. Walden Hughes.
Delete: The Cat and the Mouse, George Anson, HL00404491(WMC). This is a piano duo.
The correct item number for PIANO ENSEMBLES, LVL 4, is 00296067.
The correct item number for We Wish You a Merry Christmas is 0781.
Delete: Rustic Pictures, Op. 190 (pick one). The individual movements are listed individually in the correct class.
Clarification: Eccossaises, Op. 41 (Dvorak), play all. The correct item number is 0833.
Clarification: Two Handel Minuets (Carper): The minuets flow one to the other, creating one piece.
The correct item number for Good Christian Men, Rejoice is 0666.
The correct item number for The Joy of Spring is 0293.
The correct item number for Children’s March is 9875.
The correct item number for Perpetual Commotion is E1007.
The correct item number for Enchanted Isle is 04960.
The correct item number for CONTEMPLATIONS is FJH1394.
Clarification—The code for For All the Saints is #385.
Clarification—When Morning Gilds the Skies is available as sheet music with the indicated item number. It is also in the collection FOUR HYMN PRELUDES FOR ORGAN, item #COR2.
Clarification—The code for Swing Low, Sweet Chariot is #316. It is not part of a collection.
The correct item number for CONTEMPLATIONS is FJH1394.
Helen Marlais was incorrectly listed as the composer/arranger for several pieces. Refer to the collection for the correct composer.
Correction: First Songs of My Country is by Jane Bastien, not James Bastien. The item number is correct.
Notice: RCM changed the content of their vocal publications after the Bulletin was printed. If purchasing an RCM book, check the contents to ensure that the piece is in the current edition before buying. If you have difficulty locating a publication, contact the Bulletin Editor or National Festivals Chair.
Delete: There’s a Lady Sweet and Kind (Dello Joio). This is listed correctly in Musically Advanced III.
Delete: My Lord, What a Mornin’ (American Spiritual). This is listed correctly in Senior III.
Correction: Into the Night (Edwards) is found in SONGS BY 22 AMERICANS, HL50329400/HL50329410 GSHL and INTRODUCTION TO ART SONGS FOR MEZZO SOPRANO/ALTO HL50699558 GSHL.
Delete: Almost Like Being in Love
Add: The First Time in Forever, THE GIANT BOOK OF SONGS FOR TEENS FROM MUSICALS, Y, HL 00252504
Delete: The Island.
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