Certificate - American Music

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 2-1 American Music Participation Certificate Free
Cert 2-2 American Music Award of Merit Free
Cert 2-3 American Music NFMC/ASCAP Participation Certificate Free
Cert 2-4 American Music R. A. Schramm participation Certificate Free
Cert 2-5 Folk Music Special Recognition Certificate Free

Certificate - Arts

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 3-1 Choir Certificate Free
Cert 3-2Celebrate Strings Award Winner Certificate Free
Cert 3-3Celebrate Strings Award of Merit Free
Cert 3-4Opera Certificate – Excellent Support Free
Cert 3-5Opera Certificate – Outstanding Support Free
Cert 3-6National Music Week Essay State Winner Free
Cert 3-7 National Music Week Essay State (Blank Rating) Certificate Free
Cert 3-8National Music Week Award of Merit Free
Cert 3-9Music in Song/Sacred Music Certificate Free

Certificate - Competitions & Awards

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 4-1Summer Music Camp Award Free
Cert 4-2Young Artist Audition “Winner” Certificate National Chairman
Cert 4-3Young Artist “Finalist” CertificateNational Chairman
Cert 4-4 Young Artist “Semi-Finalist” Certificate National Chairman

Certificate - Finance

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 5-1Past Presidents Assembly Free

Certificate - General

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 1-1 States Certificate – no NFMC logo Free
Cert 1-10General Participation Award Certificate Free
Cert 1-2Donor Certificate National Chairman
Cert 1-3Life Membership CertificateNational Chairman
Cert 1-4General “Award Winner” CertificateFree
Cert 1-5 General “Competition Winner” Certificate Free
Cert 1-6General “Scholarship Winner” CertificateFree
Cert 1-7Cradle Roll Membership CertificatesNational Chairman
Cert 1-8Award of Merit Free
Cert 1-9Certificate of AppreciationFree

Certificate - Junior

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 6-1Junior Certificate – Junior Division Accords National Honor Free
Cert 6-10National Junior Composers Certificate Free
Cert 6-2Congratulations Certificate – Festival Participants National Chairman
Cert 6-3State Certificate for Festival Participants $.04 Each
Cert 6-4Adult Certificate for Festival Participants $.04 Each
Cert 6-5Superior Rating Certificate Contact National Chairman
Cert 6-6Superior Rating 12 Consecutive Years Contact National Chairman
Cert 6-7Superior Rating – Blank 12+ Years Contact National Chairman
Cert 6-8State Junior Composers Certificate Free
Cert 6-9Regional Junior Composers Certificate Free

Certificate - Public Relations

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 8-1Junior Counselor of the Year Award Free

Certificate - Student

Item # Title Price File(s)
Cert 9-1Biennial Student/Collegiate Aud. “Winner” Certificate Free
Cert 9-2Biennial Student/Collegiate Aud. “Semifinal Winner” Certificate Free
Cert 9-3State Biennial Student/Collegiate Aud. “Winner” Certificate Free
Cert 9-4Regional Biennial Student/Collegiate Aud. “Winner” Certificate Free